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We work hard to ensure that students are provided with an outstanding educational opportunity at BOA. In addition to the love and dedication of our people, BOA relies upon the support of our community to keep our school running. 


We rely on community contributions to provide robust academic supports for students and teachers. Our instructional staff is extensively trained in project-based learning, common core state standards, and the principles of gifted education. We provide in-classroom instructional support and intervention, keeping staff to student ratios low and supporting student achievement.


In addition to carefully selected academic curriculum delivered in student-responsive classrooms by a team of dedicated educators, BOA provides exceptional, hands-on enrichment in science, Spanish language, and the arts for all students. You simply will not find programs like these at your neighborhood schools, and we rely on your help to provide them at BOA. 


In addition to state funding, our community's contributions allow us to continue to invest in programs and staff that set our school apart and provide opportunities above and beyond other public schools. 


Without the financial support of local foundations, businesses, and other community members, we would not be able to provide the unique and individualized education programs that we do.


We hope that you will consider putting BOA on your contributions list. We would love to make a presentation to your foundation, organization or board to help you learn more about our culture and mission. Please contact us for more information.



Your contribution supports student learning
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Thank You to Our Generous Friends!


Walton Family Foundation

BOA Parent Teacher Organization

Assistance League of Visalia

Visalia United Methodist Church



Bank of the Sierra

BMI, Inc. 

Safety Striping



Laura Brumm

Cristina Johnson


The Academies CMO has been incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c)3 status organization (Tax ID# 37-1638700),

so donations are 100% tax deductible.

 28050 Road 148 • Visalia, CA 93292• 559.730.7422

© 2016 by The Academies Charter Management Organization

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